ㅇ Current Titles
- Provost (Vice-President for Academic Affairs), Soongsil University
- Professor, Dept of Philosophy, Soongsil University
- Chair, Institute for Values and Ethics
- President, Korean Society for Hannah Arendt Studies
ㅇ Education
- 1999 Ph.D Dept. of Philosophy, State University of New York at Buffalo
- 1985 M.A Dept. of Philosophy, Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea
- 1983 Dept, of Philosophy, Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea
ㅇ Publications
- Thoughts of Hannah Arendt, Hangilsa, 2017, and 21 other monographs or co-authored books.
ㅇ Book Translations
- Public Philosophy : Papers for Politics and Morality) by Michael Sandel, Wisebury, 2016, and 8 other co-translated or translation-supervised Michael Sandel books.
- Eichmann in Jerusalmc by Hannah Arendt, Hagilsa, 2011, and 4 other translations of Hannah Arendt Books.