* All sessions will be held in Grand Hall(B2F)

Time Program
07:30 ~ 08:30


08:30 ~ 08:55

Opening Ceremony | Grand Hall

Opening Ceremony

Opening Remark Choi Woo-seoung CEO, The Hankyoreh Media Group

Welcoming Address Chey Tae-won Co-Chairpersons of Steering Committee of the Asia Future Forum/Chairperson, Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Welcoming Address Kim Eun Mee Co-Chairpersons of Steering Committee of the Asia Future Forum/President, Ewha Womans University

Congratulatory Address Kim Jin-pyo Speaker, The National Assembly

Congratulatory Address Han Duck-soo Prime Minister, Republic of Korea

08:55 ~ 09:15

Special Lecture | Grand Hall

Three Misconceptions on Climate Crisis

Special Lecture Tyler Rasch Entertainer

09:15 ~ 10:15

Keynote Session 1 | Grand Hall

The Deepest Foundations of our Democratic Crisis

Keynote presentation Jane Mansbridge Charles F. Adams Professor, Emerita, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

Moderator Seo Soo-min Associate Professor of Journalism, Sogang University

Panel Park Sang-hoon Invited Research Fellow, National Assembly Future Institute

Panel Shin Jin-wook Professor, Department of Sociology, Chung-Ang University

Panel Kim Man-kwon Research professor, the Center for Cross Cultural Studies, Kyung Hee University · Political philosopher

10:15 ~ 11:00

Keynote Session 2 | Grand Hall

In an era of rising hegemony, what's South Korea's choice?

Keynote presentation Graham Allison Douglas Dillon Professor of Government, Harvard Kennedy School, Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy and Plans in the Untied States

Panel Sohn Suk-hee Former JTBC Newsroom Anchor

11:00 ~ 12:00

Keynote Session 3 | Grand Hall

The price of inequality, and who pays the bigger bill

Keynote presentation Gabriel Zucman Professor, Paris School of Economics and UC Berkeley

Moderator Lee Kang-kook Professor, College of Economics, Ritsumeikan University

Panel Yoon Ja-yeong Associate Professor of Economics, Chungnam National University

Panel Park Bok-yeong Professor, Kyung Hee University

12:00 ~ 13:00


13:00 ~ 16:00

Parallel Session 1 | Grand Hall

The Future of Coexistence, Navigating the Path in Social and Solidarity Economy: The Asia Policy Dialogue of the Global Social Economy Forum (GSEF)

Congratulatory Address Kim Me-kyung Mayor of Seoul Eunpyeong-gu·President of SSEGOV(Association of Korean Local Governments for Social Economy and Solidarity)

Congratulatory Address Choi Woo-seoung CEO, The Hankyoreh Media Group

Congratulatory Address Pierre Hurmic Co-president of GSEF·Mayor of Bordeaux

Presentation 1 Hiroki Miura Senior Researcher, Center for Social Innovation Education and Research, Seoul National University

Presentation 2 Kevin Teo COO of Asian Venture Philanthropy Network

Presentation 3 Jocelle Batapa-Sigue Undersecretary of DICT(Department of Information and Communications Technology), Republic of the Philippines

Case Study Huot Dara CEO of Phare Performing Social Enterprise(PPSE), Cambodia

Discussion|Moderator Chung Moo-kwon Professor Emeritus of Department of Global Public Administration at Yonsei University

Panel Kim Bo-ra Mayor of Anseong · Secretary General of SSEGOV(Association of Korean Local Governments for Social Economy and Solidarity)

Panel Aude Saldana Secretary General of GSEF

Panel Yun Linne Deputy Governor of Siem Reap, Cambodia

Panel Hiroki Miura Senior Researcher, Center for Social Innovation Education and Research, Seoul National University

Panel Huot Dara CEO of Phare Performing Social Enterprise(PPSE), Cambodia

13:00 ~ 16:00

Parallel Session 2 | Conference Hall A

Korea Talks

Opening Lee Bong-hyun President, Hankyoreh Economy & Society Research Institute (HERI)

Presentation 1 Jo Hyun-kyung Research Fellow, Hankyoreh Economy & Society Research Intitute (HERI)

Presentation 2 Hwang Hyun-sook Director of Parti Co-op

Speech 1 Lee Jinsun Founder & Chairperson of the WAGL (We-All-Govern-Lab)

Speech 2 Seol Dong-jun Dambit Christian School Co-founder, Cultural Planner

Keynote Speech Jochen Wegner The Editor-in-Chief of ZEIT ONLINE and a member of the ZEIT editorial board, Founder of ‘Germany Talks’ (Deputy attendance by Hanna Israel)

Roundtable | Moderator Lee Seung-yoon Professor, Department of Social Welfare, Chung-Ang university

Discussion Lee Jinsun Founder & Chairperson of the WAGL (We-All-Govern-Lab)

Discussion Seol Dong-jun Dambit Christian School Co-founder, Cultural Planner

Discussion Jo Hyun-kyung Research Fellow, Hankyoreh Economy & Society Research Intitute (HERI)

Discussion Hwang Hyun-sook Director of Parti Co-op

13:00 ~ 16:00

Parallel Session 3 | Conference Hall B

Beyond ESG washing, a new sustainability reporting proposition

Congratulatory Address Paul Ladd Director of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

Presentation 1 Yi Il-cheong Senior Research Coordinator, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

Presentation 2 Katharina Herzog Co-Founder & CEO, money:care GmbH

Presentation 3 Yang Eun-young Senior Research Associate, Hankyoreh Economy & Society Research Institute (HERI)

Moderator Na Seok-kwon President, the Center for Social value Enhancement Studies(CSES)

Discussion Lee Eun-sun Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Gyeongsang National University

Discussion Jang Ji-yeon Program Director, Korea Social Value and Solidarity Foundation

Discussion Kim Tae-han Principal researcher, Korea Sustainability Investing Forum (KoSIF) / CDP Korea

Discussion Park Se-won Head/ General Manager, ESG Strategy Team, Kiwoom Asset Management